Advisory Number

Dear Valued Customer

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Romeo Salvador as the new Chief Executive Officer of Basra Gateway Terminal (BGT) effective 1 August 2021, replacing Mr. Phillip Marsham.

Romy is coming into BGT from being Head of Manila Northport in the Philippines, the country’s largest domestic port offering inter-island cargo and passenger services.  He has been with the ICTSI Group for 23 years and was instrumental in setting up and managing operations of other ICTSI terminals around the world including Pakistan, Syria, Madagascar, Poland, and Indonesia.  We are confident that Romy will be able to further solidify BGT’s leading position in the region.

Romy is married with a son and is an avid golfer.

Phill will continue his successful association with the ICTSI Group as he moves to the Philippines to head up a new acquisition, the Manila Harbor Center.  Phill successfully navigated BGT from its start-up to what it is today:  the preferred gateway in Iraq.

Yours sincerely,

BGT Team