General Terminal Rules
- Public safety, security and efficient operations in the terminal are BGT’s concern. Therefore, access may be restricted to anyone or a part of the terminal area such as Quay, Container Yard, and its open cargo storage and inspection area.
- Only port users with legitimate transactions will be allowed to enter the BGT terminal.
- All vehicles allowed to enter the terminal must park at the designated parking areas only.
- There are separate accesses for vehicles and pedestrians into the container terminal and all are required to adhere to the access lanes, gates and designated parking areas.
- The “NO ID, NO ENTRY” policy is enforced inside BGT. Only persons with legitimate business shall be allowed access and will be issued the BGT access ID by Security prior to entry, which shall be worn and properly displayed by pinning it on their breast pocket.
- Loitering is prohibited in operational areas - therefore, people with legitimate transaction will be issued an ID at the gate by security for the transaction at the terminal.
- All drivers of vehicles/trucks entering the container terminal must comply with the specified maximum speed limit of 20 KPH. They should be alert to all traffic signs at the terminal and take the necessary precautions to follow the proper traffic flow, strictly avoid counter flowing and carefully adhere to the traffic flow as indicated in the Truck Instruction Document map to avoid any collisions or sanctions.
- All external vehicles or trucks must be road worthy. In case of breakdown, towing charges shall be for the account of the driver or owner of the vehicle.
- BGT is a “NO SMOKING” facility - therefore, smokers should refrain from smoking while inside the terminal. Designated smoking areas will be provided for.
- All BGT employees working in the terminal must be in proper attire using all the safety Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) at all times.
- Littering is prohibited in the terminal. Trashcans will be provided for in various areas at the terminal where people can dispose their waste.
- All accidents/incidents of any nature, pilferage and other safety and security matters must be immediately reported to the BGT operations management.